Environmental education initiative of the Tengwood Organisation in Nigeria

The Tengwood Organisation was founded in Switzerland in 2010 with the aim of supporting conservation efforts for some of Africa’s most endangered primates in the Nigeria-Cameroon region. The organisation soon expanded its engagement to address, among other things, bushmeat exports from Africa to Switzerland and the European Union. At the same time, Tengwood launched the ‘Clean Water for Conservation’ project in Nigeria, which deals with the issue of water conservation in Nigeria and carries out public relations work, including educational materials for schools in the Cross River National Park.

Tengwood’s environmental education initiative aims to improve water, forest and wildlife conservation in national parks and other protected areas in Nigeria. Through the creation of a series of posters and a conservation game, and in collaboration with an education programme run by the Wildlife Conservation Society WCS Nigeria, Tengwood distributes environmental education materials to schools and communities around protected areas in Cross River State, Nigeria.

  • Organisation: Tengwood Organisazion
  • Website: www.tengwood.org
  • Project Management: Bruno Tenger, Dr. Kathy Wood