Reintroduction of the bearded vulture in the Alps

The return of the bearded vulture to the Alps is the declared goal of the Foundation Pro Bearded Vulture. The Foundation works to ensure that the conditions for a viable bearded vulture population are met in the Alps. The Bearded Vulture should be reintroduced in sufficient numbers and with the necessary genetic variability. In addition, the reintroduction should be carefully and scientifically monitored in order to be able to continuously assess the population development and possible risks. The foundation carries out public relations work on the bearded vulture and provides information about bearded vultures and the reintroduction project at lectures, information stands at the reintroduction sites, via its website and social media.

  • Organisation: Stiftung Pro Bartgeier
  • Website:
  • Project management: Dr Daniel Hegglin, Franziska Lörcher, Foundation Pro Bearded Vulture


Information event at the release site © Pro Bearded Vulture Foundation